

Emmanuel College is approaching an exciting phase in its history. In 2021 the College will celebrate 30 years since the amalgamation of St Ann’s and CBC to form Emmanuel College. In 2022 the College will celebrate 150 years of continuous Catholic education on the same site serving the families of Warrnambool and the local region since 1872.

This year Emmanuel College returned to its roots as a school in the Mercy tradition, and to governance by Mercy Education, a ministry of the Sisters of Mercy. The existence of the Mercy Education Network of 13 member schools and 16 affiliate schools gives strength, support and solidarity to each of the individual schools. We are stronger together.

After the year that was 2020, we were delighted to celebrate the success of our Class of 2020. For the second year in a row Emmanuel saw three of its year 12 students receive ATARs above 99 which is an extraordinary feat for any school let alone a regional school. Emmanuel’s 2020 Dux was College Captain Jacob Gome with an ATAR score of 99.8. More on Jacob and the Class of 2020 can be found on page 19. For Emmanuel students to gain highly credible scores two years running confirms that Emmanuel College is a school where students can achieve Year 12 scores equal to the highest and the best in Victoria.

Equally we celebrate the success of students gaining employment, traineeships and apprenticeships, knowing that in the last six months alone, more than 20 Emmanuel students gained apprenticeships in the local area indicating the confidence local employers have in young Emmanuel alumni.

We firmly believe every time an Emmanuel student achieves, it provides inspiration to the next generation of students to believe they can succeed if they match their passion and interest with hard work.

Major changes to the campus structure at Emmanuel College are on the horizon for 2022. The College will introduce a dedicated Year 9 environment housed at Rice Campus with the delivery of a specifically designed program for adolescents. The Year 9 cohort will operate independent of the rest of the school whilst still participating in whole school events and the life of the College at large. This will mean a smaller junior school located at Goold Campus and a McAuley Campus-based senior school comprising Years 10 to 12 in vertical groupings providing enhanced opportunities for acceleration and individual growth.

Meanwhile, a $1.5 million extension and revitalisation of the McAuley Campus library will be finalised by the end of term one when the next phase of master plan redevelopment, a $4 million expansion of Science and classroom facilities, will commence. By the end of 2021 substantial inroads into the College’s first 10 year master plan will have been achieved, with masterplan version 2.0 currently under preparation to begin the 2022 school year.

We hope to see you at one of our many events celebrating the 30th anniversary of Emmanuel College.

Returning to the Mercy Family

In 2021 Emmanuel College celebrates 30 years since its formation, after the amalgamation in 1991 of two schools. Emmanuel has a history of providing a Catholic education to the students of the Warrnambool district since 1872. 2021 is also the year that College returned to the Mercy Education family and the rich educational culture and history that has evolved from Catherine McAuley’s vision.

The Gospel message of Mercy presents a powerful concept of compassion and kindness. As a Mercy school, Emmanuel College continues the tradition of connecting its people to God’s mercy within a dynamic learning environment where each person experiences respect and unconditional acceptance.

The existence of the Mercy network of 26 schools gives strength support and solidarity to each of the individual schools. We are stronger together.

Farewell Ms Lisa Pope

After 9 years as a key part of our Emmanuel family, Assistant Principal, Lisa Pope has relocated to Geelong where she has taken up the role of Deputy Principal for Learning and Identity at St. Joseph’s College. Since 2012, Ms Pope has been a pillar of strength for the College, with responsibility for College Operations, Learning and Teaching and Student Wellbeing at different times. In all these areas, she has made significant and indelible contributions to Emmanuel that promoted growth in learning for all. Within the classroom, students of her VCE Biology classes gained outstanding results under her guidance and teaching. Her passion, determination and leadership will be greatly missed. We wish Lisa all the best on this new journey.


We thank those alumni and families and past staff members who contribute to awards and scholarships for Emmanuel students and graduates. Two new scholarships from 2020 have been made available by Patrick and Susan Houlihan and the family of Mrs Del Clapp.

Patrick and Susan Houlihan

Patrick and Susan Houlihan Scholarship

Graduating from CBC/Emmanuel College in 1984, Patrick Houlihan studied a Bachelor of Science Degree at the University of Melbourne and resided at St Mary’s College. Receiving first class honours in chemistry, Patrick was employed as an industrial chemist at Dulux Paints in Melbourne where, in 2007, he was appointed the Chief Executive Officer overseeing the company’s growth to an ASX Top 100 Company. In 2016 Patrick was recognised in the category of Business as an Emmanuel College Inspiring Alumni.

Patrick and Susan Houlihan have made two $3000 scholarships available annually for Emmanuel College Year 12 students who successfully enrol in a course of study at the University of Melbourne, ACU, RMIT or Monash Pharmacy College and reside at St Mary’s College.


Delma Clapp Community Services Award (Scholarship)

Del Clapp taught at St. Ann’s and later Emmanuel College from 1966 to 1991. She was a gifted teacher who had a deep passion for her work and for the local community. Her passion for the community and the arts are reflected in the terms of the scholarship awarded to one student in Year 9 and enrolled to complete Year 10 at Emmanuel the following year. Prioritised for a student whose family experiences financial need, the award of $1000 looks to recognise a student who demonstrates an ongoing commitment to community work at a hospital, nursing home, service club, opportunity shop, church group, or performing arts group.

Emmanuel College Warrnambool

Emmanuel College Foundation

In 2019 the Emmanuel College Warrnambool Foundation was established with the goal to build a reserve of funds to assist the College to realise its vision for the future. We already know the first stage of the next 10 year masterplan will come with a hefty price tag; somewhere in the vicinity of $15 million. At the same time, a number of families depend on the College to provide fee relief and assistance to purchase uniforms and school requisites. The Emmanuel College Foundation is a long term commitment to servicing the needs of the College to provide for the next generation of students. If you are in a position to help, I encourage you to support the Foundation. Donations are fully tax deductible and contribute to a corpus earning interest to support future projects and provide fee relief and scholarships. You are most welcome to have a confidential conversation with me or download the form here to make a contribution to the Emmanuel College Foundation by June 30.

Author: Mr Peter Morgan | Principal
Also in this Edition