Peter Carman, David Earls, Chris Earls, Brian O’Keefe, John Wormald and David Hudson are looking to bring together the boys who went through from 1969 to 1974 at CBC Warrnambool. Update your contact details to stay up to date: Stay in Touch
About 80 boys began Form 1 in the ‘White House’ at CBC in 1969 and continued all or part way through to Form 6 (Matric.) in 1974. More than 30 others joined this group at various times along the way. As one of those boys, you are invited to one more ‘school assembly ‘ - to reminisce about the ups and downs of school life, reconnect with old school mates and share your stories and experiences since then.
Reunion events will occur on Friday October 18th and Saturday October 19th 2024.
Join us at the Warrnambool RSL from 7pm for an informal get together over a drink or two. Partners welcome ($15 Tickets). Drinks at bar prices.
Meeting at the Canterbury Road Campus Chapel at 10.30am Saturday
Dinner at the Warrnambool RSL on Saturday for past students at 7pm. Meals and drinks at menu prices.
Book your tickets $25, by Friday October 4th through
Any questions can be directed to:
Candice Hampstead (03 5560 0845) or
[email protected]
David Hudson (0418 951 479) or
[email protected]
Peter Carman (0402 413 090) or
[email protected]
Our whole class list can be found by linking here.