

Acceleration at Emmanuel College is designed to provide the most appropriate match between each individual gifted student’s capabilities and the level of challenge in the curriculum while considering the wellbeing of each student by ensuring that there are no adverse social or emotional consequences associated with acceleration.

Outstanding Senior Results in 2022

2022 witnessed an Emmanuel College graduation group unlike any other.

Students from the Class of 2022 completed their education over the last three years under difficult conditions, constant disruptions, and for much of the time without the many benefits that face-to-face learning brings. From difficulty, strength and courage is born. They succeeded when at times it must have seemed that everything was against them. They experienced the kind of unity that comes from adversity, and social isolation showed them the true value of friendships and community.

In 2022 a new sense of normality was found once more, and students flourished in their endeavours. We congratulate 2022 VCE DUX Jace Nepean with a perfect score of 99.95, Our Runner-Up Dux Zack Houlihan who scored an ATAR of 98.4, and Our third runner-up William Pennington who attained an ATAR of 98.35. We also congratulate our VCAL DUX student Joshua Thom. In 2022 14 students received an ATAR of 90 and above and 3 students attained a perfect score in individual subjects including English, French, Literature and German. Overall 10.2% of our Year 12 cohort received an ATAR of 90 and above, and 24.8% of students received an ATAR above 80. Out of these results, 8 subject duxes were from Year 11 Students accelerating in their subject through our PACE learning approach.

Maths Pathways

In the junior years, Emmanuel College uses Maths Pathway - an individualised learning and teaching model that is tailored to cater for differing student needs. Instead of all students learning the same topic at the same time, each student will focus on what they are ready to learn.

At Emmanuel College, we believe that every child can experience success and grow in Mathematics and that students should have ownership over their learning. We want our students to adopt a growth mindset and believe they can be successful in Mathematics. The Maths Pathway model of teaching and learning relates Mathematics to the real world and encourages students to think, problem-solve and develop independence.

To begin using the program, students are initially given a diagnostic test, which determines what they currently know about Mathematics and what they still need to learn. As a result of this diagnostic testing, students are given individualised modules to complete that are tailored to what they are ready to learn. This ensures that students are working on Mathematics concepts at the right level and enables all students to be catered for and extended.

Year 8 students may complete Year 10 level concepts, while still remaining in a Year 8 class. The diverse needs of students can be catered for within the one class. The key focus of the Mathematics program is on student growth, as we expect our students to learn at least one year’s worth of mathematical content in one year, regardless of their current level of understanding.

VCE Baccalaureate

Emmanuel College also considers breadth in subjects for students who need to challenge their learning pathways. These programs may include balancing a language with a higher level maths, which is recognised by VCAA as the VCE Baccalaureate and was introduced in 2014.

In 2017 and 2018 the College Duxes received this additional form of recognition to acknowledge that these students had undertaken the demands of studying both a higher level mathematics and a language in the VCE program. This is an exceptional effort considering these students chose a challenging combination of subjects but were still able to produce exceptional overall results.

A head start in University studies

Since 2017, Emmanuel College students have been given the option to study accelerated University programs. This pathway option has begun to grow with a number of Emmanuel students accelerated into tertiary studies in subjects such as Biology, Psychology and Law.

In 2020 Emmanuel College engaged with the University of Melbourne Mathematics Extension Program. Emmanuel teachers have been trained and deliver the program at Emmanuel.