

On Oct 19, the Class of 1974 reunited, rekindling the camaraderie and memories of their secondary school days. Many of these old friends hadn’t seen each other since they last left the school grounds, but gathering for the first time in half a century, they quickly slipped back into the familiar banter and shared stories that had once defined their daily lives.

From the moment they greeted each other, tales of shared memories began to flow. They reminisced about their sporting achievements, academic pursuits, and the nicknames that had followed each of them around the campus. One particularly vivid memory for many was recalling where they each sat during Chemistry lessons, complete with the quirks of their teachers and their dedication (or lack-there-of) to their studies.

The reunion created a place for both the past and present. It kicked off with a casual social event on the Friday night, giving everyone a chance to reconnect before the rest of the weekend’s activities rolled out. Saturday’s school tour was a highlight. Seeing familiar hallways and classrooms sparked even more memories for the boys. Later, they capped off the reunion with a formal dinner, where stories, and laughter, filled the evening.

A comment by classmate, Pat O’Shea reflected, “I had realised I had walked out of a group we shared 9 years with and never looked back. Saturday made me realise, the ‘gents’ arriving are very genuine, honest men - I could have maintained some life-changing friendships over my life instead of moving on completely.”

So inspired by their time together, the CBC Class of 1974 is already planning their next reunion. If you missed this one, ensure your contact details are up to date with the College to ensure you don’t miss the next one. Update your details here: https://www.emmanuel.vic.edu.au/stay-in-touch