

The year of discovery

Teachers have long recognised Year 9 is an absolutely critical year for students and that Year 9 students have distinct learning needs. Entirely traditional ways of teaching do not always successfully engage the majority of Year 9 students or meet their needs.

Emmanuel College is addressing this challenge through the introduction in 2022 of a new Year 9 program, 9@RICE. RICE stands not only for the name of the campus but is also an acronym for: Resilience, Innovation, Community and Exploration. The program is delivered from a dedicated Year 9 learning centre.

The aim is to provide an engaging and holistic program where students are motivated to drive their own education and pursue areas that interest them in an in-depth way.

The 9@RICE program is based on nine-week terms with a focus on project-based learning with real-life relevance. Students work collaboratively and individually for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, problem or challenge with a real-world connection. The program will actively incorporate the development of empathy and a sense of service to members of our local, national and global communities.

At the end of semester students present their projects to a wider audience in an expo-style event. Terms one, two and three conclude with an Immersion week based on Resilience, Community and Exploration, with camps, local discovery days, outdoor activities, excursions, career and pathways planning, health and wellbeing programs.

When students complete their 9@RICE journey they will become full-fledged members of the senior school ready to lead their own learning and complete their secondary education in a senior school environment.

9@RICE subjects are differently structured into three components: 


With a focus on English (plus Science, RE, Humanities, Digital & Design Technologies, Creative and Performing Arts) 


With a focus on Humanities & RE (plus Science, English, Digital and Design Technology, Creative and Performing Arts) 


With a focus on Science (Plus English, RE, Humanities, Digital and Design Technologies, Creative and Performing Arts.)

How does 9@RICE prepare students for VCE and a modern workplace?

Project-based styled applied learning is increasingly becoming the normal mode of VCE assessment. Employers are placing strong emphasis on complex problem-solving, written and oral communication and applied knowledge - they are looking for independent, self-aware learners who set goals, reflect, evaluate their progress and successfully collaborate with others.

After 9@RICE

When students complete the 9@RICE program they become members of the senior school, ready to lead their own learning and complete their secondary education in a senior school environment.

An engaging Year 9 program

9@RICE aims to develop students who:

  • Are independent, self-aware learners who set goals, reflect and evaluate their progress.
  • Will be resilient in their approach to overcoming social, academic and emotional obstacles.
  • Pose critical questions about their world and can use traditional online and community resources to develop responses.
  • Are creative and imaginative thinkers who are able to problem solve and work collegially and independently with equal proficiency.
  • Are socially aware, ethical and caring global citizens.
  • Are connected to fellow students, staff and The College and see themselves as members of a learning community.

The program will be based on nine-week terms with a focus on project-based learning that has real-life relevance. Students work collaboratively and individually for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, problem or challenge, investigating a curriculum that has a real-world connection. The program will actively incorporate the development of empathy and a sense of service to members of our local, national and global community.

At the end of semester students present their projects to a wider audience in an expo-style event. One week of term may be a Learning Adventure Week with camps, local discovery days, outdoor activities, excursions, career and pathways days, health and wellbeing programs.