

An unprecedented number of alumni (approx. 75!) got together to mark the Class of 1984’s 40-year milestone, and to laugh and share the good times of their years at school and beyond.

Attracting class members from across the country, friends reconnected over a series of events held throughout the weekend following the Warrnambool May Racing Carnival. Starting with casual drinks at Bojangles on the Friday night, events continued on through Saturday with a school tour, and a massive party at the Whaler’s Hotel.

On tour, alumni recalled many school yard antics including sliding down stair banisters, keeping off the pigface, and the teary goodbyes at graduation. Alumni were impressive as they named EVERY student in their Year 7 class photos on display, without missing a beat.

One of the Class of 1984, David, reflected, “It was a perfect way to celebrate all that we have been to each other, and have the opportunity to laugh, reminisce and embrace again.

“It really is such a special group – and it is only each other that knows and can fully appreciate the experience of our teenage years. Even our partners and our own children (and thankfully our parents) do not truly have the same insight into that critical period of our lives that each of us in all of these photos share with and of one another. We are a unique group, and whatever planets aligned to allow us to all end up in exactly the same place at exactly the same time in history for those formative years will make me forever thankful.”

Huge congratulations are in order for organisers Veronica Hughson and Brendan Anderson, whose dedication and commitment ensured the reunion was an entertaining and inclusive celebration for all. Veronica commented “Great vibes, banter, dancing, and a lot of love in the room...life affirming, precious stuff.”