The Emmanuel College House system exists to promote high levels of student engagement, school spirit and involvement in a range of challenging and enjoyable activities. House activities give all students opportunities to experience success, motivation and participation in College life. Houses compete for the House Cup with their sporting, creative, academic and service achievements. Spirited competition between the four houses adds to the sense of belonging to the Emmanuel College community.
At the McAuley Campus, membership of a student's House becomes even more significant. In the senior school, comprising Years 10 to 12, the House structure is vertical. Students from these year levels have classes and join Mentor Groups together, rather than being locked into year level groups.
With the distinction between year levels removed, Homeroom Teachers are replaced by House Mentors who provide stability and support for students during their three-year journey until they complete their Emmanuel College education. Emmanuel College Houses
At times there will still be a need for students to gather in their peer years. Some examples include: camps and retreats (although these will be House group-based), social activities, Fit4Life days and presentations.