

On July 26, we came together for our annual celebration of the Feast of St Ann. Approximately 80 past students of St Ann’s College joined us for Mass and lunch, while re-joining with their school friends to catch-up and reminisce.

Fr Bill Lowry led the Mass, and bravely called upon us to reflect on the topic of ageing gracefully. While this initially triggered an audible response of shock from the congregation, he quickly went on to reveal his intended message of honouring the important role that grandparents play in our lives, and the many things they teach us.

Many students volunteered to be involved in the day, from helping with Mass, to being part of the singers or the woodwind ensemble, serving lunch, to highlighting their experiences of school. However our guests were most impressed with the simplest of gestures - a smile and a greeting on arrival, or the serving of a warm cup of tea.

The St Ann’s Class of 1969, took the opportunity of St Ann’s Day to also mark their 55-Years on milestone, with the girls adding an afterparty for their cohort, to allow the laughs and catching up to continue.