

Year 7: The Five Star Program

The transition process at Emmanuel College is designed to make the move from primary to secondary school as seamless as possible.

This is achieved by allowing every student the opportunity to visit the school at least twice before commencing as a student at the College in Year 7. During these visits the students will: tour the College, especially the Year 7 and communal areas, sample subjects they will experience as Emmanuel students and meet key personnel.

Another important aspect of transition is making contact with every student’s primary school teacher. The purpose of making contact is to obtain the necessary information so we can best support each student in their transition to secondary education. We ask the primary school for recommendations to carefully place students into a homeroom group with the aim of each child having a familiar face in their class.

Every student in Year 7 has a Homeroom teacher: a teacher who takes on a pastoral role, closely monitoring aspects of each student’s schooling including academic progress, social interactions and general wellbeing. Homeroom teachers will also teach their students at least one subject, allowing for a strong relationship to grow between the student and this key staff member in their transition journey. With the Year 7 Camp, Fit4Life Days and sporting events, Year 7 students soon feel fully connected to the Emmanuel College community.

During the year, families new to the Emmanuel community will experience the secondary school journey for the first time. To enhance the experience and to ensure you have access to accurate information when questions arise, we encourage to you to communicate directly with the school. A phone call to the College Office will ensure your question is directed to the person best equipped to respond and provide the most up to date information.

The guided transition into Year 7 gives each student an induction into the culture of Emmanuel College. Year 7 students are well supported in making the transition into the secondary school environment and are familiarised with the expectations and responsibilities that come with being part of the Emmanuel learning community.

Year 7 students are tested in order to evaluate areas in which they excel and areas in which they need consolidation or extra support to develop the skills needed to progress through secondary school. A solid foundation of literacy and numeracy skills is important. The Five Star Program provides a broad and common curriculum that is common to all students, giving students the opportunity to explore two languages, musical instruments and a range of hands-on subjects. There is a strong focus on personal development.

Year 8: Making Choices

By Year 8 students are fully aware of the culture of Emmanuel College and are generally taking full advantage of the co-curricular activities and opportunities available to them. In Year 8 students continue to study core subjects but begin to make choices in their learning. Students have the opportunity to steer their learning towards their areas of interest, choosing some of their units of study from a broad range of electives including Academies.

The 5 Star Program

The guided transition into Year 7 gives each student an induction into the culture of Emmanuel College. Year 7 students are well supported in making the transition into the secondary school environment and are familiarised with the expectations and responsibilities that come with being part of the Emmanuel learning community.

Year 7 students are tested in order to evaluate areas in which they excel and areas in which they need consolidation or extra support to develop the skills needed to progress through secondary school. A solid foundation of literacy and numeracy skills is important. The Five Star Program provides a broad and common curriculum that is common to all students, giving students the opportunity to explore two languages, musical instruments and a range of hands-on subjects. There is a strong focus on personal development.

The Year 7 students begin a process of self-awareness that is developed and encouraged throughout their school years. This is developed through a Personal Development Program, Personal Development Days and in the Religious Education Program. Self-esteem, and self-confidence are developed as part of an education that aims to care for the whole person. As part of the Personal Development program for Year 7, our students learn about topics such as Self and Relationships; Health; Drugs and Family & Community expectations. Pastoral Care also encompasses student behaviour and students are made aware of their rights and responsibilities as Emmanuel College students. They are also made aware of their role in the world beyond school and are encouraged to serve and act with compassion and justice as members of Church, local and global communities.

Socialisation is the process of making an individual ready for life in a community. We prepare Year 7 students for life within the Emmanuel College community and the wider community. Emmanuel College Year 7 students are formally welcomed into the school at the Opening Mass in Term One. Part of being a student in Year 7 is finding out what the Emmanuel College community is all about, the expectations placed on them and what they should expect from others. Year 7 students have ample opportunities to grow into the community right from day one when they join with senior students to participate in activities aimed at providing a relaxed setting in which the students can get to know each other. Year 7 students are also made aware of all of the extra curricular activities and sports in which they can participate. These activities are another way of making friends as well as helping students to mature and grow - creatively exploring their interests with like-minded people. They also foster a greater enjoyment of school life.

In Year 7 the school curriculum is all about sampling. The Year 7 students study a common program, where they sample a full range of subjects. This allows our school's youngest members to develop skills, discover their strengths and weaknesses and to discern their particular areas of interest. This helps prepare students for unit choices when they enter the flexible years in Year 8 and beyond. While the curriculum is common to all Year 7 students, various forms of testing (such as literacy & numeracy testing) provide vital information on each student's level of performance and assists in ensuring that individual differences are recognised and catered for in the school program.

As a Catholic school we endeavour to develop faith within every student. Emmanuel College students are assisted to discover their own spirituality and to find meaning and value in their lives. This is at the centre of the Emmanuel College school spirit.

I just wanted to say thank you to you and your staff for a fabulous first year at Emmanuel. My daughter has had a flawless transition to the College and has loved coming to school each day. Her Home Room Teacher has been simply fabulous, very caring and engaging. She enabled our daughter to be passionate towards her learning and also helped foster new friendships. All of her teachers have been fantastic, she's enjoyed all subjects and the support and care the school offers has been lovely. Thank you.
Letter from Year 7 parent

Goold Centre

A dedicated Junior Learning Centre

The Goold Centre, located on the Hopetoun Road side of the McAuley Campus, is a Learning Centre for Years 7 and 8 only. Although Emmanuel is a large school with all of the choices that a large school brings, with a dedicated junior learning centre it is possible to maintain that small school feel that eases the transition from a small primary school to a larger learning environment.

Year 7 and 8 students have their own place within our community and their own specific outdoor play areas, with: handball courts, outdoor table tennis tables, a range of super-sized outdoor games, basketball courts and a Challenger Course.

Year 7 Subjects

Year 7 students complete the following subjects all year:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Health & Physical Education
  • Religious Education
  • Humanities – Geography & History
  • Music

These subjects are completed in one semester:

  • Japanese
  • French
  • Art
  • Food Studies
  • Digital Technology
  • Drama
  • Textiles
  • Design Technology – Wood, Metal & Plastic