

Uniting our College as a single-campus school

Emmanuel College is embarking on an exciting journey in consolidating its operations onto a single campus, which includes developing new state of the art facilities.

The Edmund Rice Centre is a $16 million dollar contemporary learning precinct for Year 9 students. This decision follows an extensive review of the College Masterplan and a feasibility study to identify the greatest long-term benefit and the most positive impact upon student learning and safety at the College.

The precinct will have the capacity for up to 250 students, positioned at the rear of the McAuley Campus adjacent to the Mercy Place aged care facility.

Construction commenced in August, 2023, and is on track and on budget. The build will take 18 months to complete, ready to occupy from the start of 2025.

The consolidation of facilities on one site enables the College to deliver an exciting, first-class learning experience that best meets the future needs of all students throughout their secondary school journey.

Collectively, these changes enable Emmanuel College to become the leading dynamic educational provider within the region that it aspires to be.

The consolidation of year levels at the McAuley Campus was one of the most significant and exciting projects undertaken in the school’s history. An innovative Year Nine Learning Centre will complement the dedicated junior and senior schools that began operating in 2022. All students will be housed on the one site, removing the need for anyone to travel between two campuses for lessons.
Peter Morgan - Principal

The Edmund Rice Centre is a state-of-the-art Year 9 learning facility that offers students a modern and dedicated space

The Edmund Rice Centre is situated on the main campus, in its own dedicated area, and is connected through a carefully crafted landscape, symbolising the transition from the Junior School. The facility is taking shape at the rear of McAuley Campus, adjacent to Mercy Place, in collaboration with architects at Baldasso Cortesse and Nicholson Construction.

Emmanuel College Principal, Peter Morgan, emphasises that the Edmund Rice Centre represents the largest and most extensive project in the College’s 151-year history.

“The development of the Edmund Rice Centre will facilitate the remaining consolidation of the Emmanuel Staff and Students to the one campus from 2025, and provide an exciting, contemporary learning environment reflecting the diverse approaches to learning the 9@RICE Program constitutes.

“I am extremely grateful for the work of College Business Manager Stephen Kerr, and the support of the College Building and Finance Committees and their expert advice that helps us plan and undertake these projects,” Peter said.

The architectural components of the precinct include three flexible science labs, six general-purpose classrooms and three spacious breakout learning areas dedicated to Wisdom, Communication, and Exploration. These areas facilitate collaborative teaching and learning, interdisciplinary approaches and critical thinking by enabling team teaching of these subjects.

The centre also includes a tiered seating auditorium, serving as a focal point for year-level gatherings and presentations. Furthermore, it offers a full-size indoor sports court, promoting physical well-being and an active lifestyle among students. Catering to diverse interests, the Edmund Rice Centre boasts a food technology kitchen and learning area, an art classroom, a materials technology space and a media/communications room equipped with advanced technology.

The outdoor learning courtyards are versatile spaces offering opportunities for students to engage, connect with nature and collaborate.

The Edmund Rice Centre is designed to inspire and empower Year 9 students. With its array of purpose-built facilities, it creates a dynamic and stimulating environment that fosters growth, excellence and a love for learning.

We're eagerly looking ahead to updating the community with the latest progress on this exciting new hub for the innovative Year 9 Learning Program. 

The development of the Edmund Rice Centre will facilitate the remaining consolidation of the Emmanuel Staff and Students to the one campus from 2025, and provide an exciting, contemporary learning environment reflecting the diverse approaches to learning the 9@RICE Program constitutes.
Peter Morgan - Principal

Collectively, these changes enable Emmanuel College to become the leading dynamic educational provider within the region that it aspires to be. 

The consolidation of facilities on one site enables the College to deliver an exciting, first-class learning experience that will best meet the future needs of all students throughout their secondary school journey.

The commitment to proceed with this project has been carefully considered and planned over an extensive period of time, and follows a comprehensive feasibility study undertaken by an independent architect as well as close consultation with the Parish, which has owned the site since 1914.

The Parish has enjoyed a close and active relationship with Emmanuel College and, given the importance of the decision, there has been extensive discussion and analysis of the options by both the School and Parish. 

The result, a commitment to consolidate the College onto one campus, is a shared decision between the College and the Parish. Both parties agree the decision will deliver exceptional educational and stewardship benefits to both the School and the wider Catholic communities.

As we embark upon this exciting journey, we will engage with the School community to answer questions and we will provide regular updated information about the project.

New Learning Structure 

In 2022 we celebrated 150 years of education on the site now known as Emmanuel College. The College also brought in changes to the College structure designed to have a positive impact on student learning:

  • Year 9 students begun a new and engaging course, 9@RICE, which has been specially developed to meet the unique needs of Year 9 students. Teachers have long recognised Year 9 is an absolutely critical year for students and that Year 9 students have distinct learning needs. Entirely traditional ways of teaching do not always successfully engage the majority of Year 9 students or meet their needs. an acronym for: Resilience, Innovation, Community and Exploration. The aim is to provide an engaging and holistic program where students are motivated to drive their own education and pursue areas that interest them in an in-depth way.

  • Year 10 students joined Years 11 and 12 to form the Senior School in vertical, House-based groups. Students from these year levels may access classes and will join Mentor Groups together, rather than being locked into traditional horizontal year levels. With the distinction between year levels removed, Homeroom Teachers are replaced with House Mentors who provide stability and support for students on their three-year journey until they complete their Emmanuel College education.

  • Year 7 students joining the Emmanuel College community in 2022 had their transition to secondary education made even easier. The Goold Centre, located on the Hopetoun Road side of the McAuley Campus is now a learning centre for Years 7 and 8 only. Although Emmanuel is a large school with all of the choices that a large school brings, with a dedicated junior learning centre it is possible to maintain that small school feel that eases the transition from a small primary school to a larger learning environment. Year 7 and 8 students have their own place within our community and their own specific outdoor play areas, with: handball courts, outdoor table tennis tables, a range of super-sized outdoor games, basketball courts and a Challenger Course planned.

The new learning structure in 2022 has been supported by the redesign and expansion of the McAuley Campus Library, which was officially opened in May 2021 and the building of a new Science precinct in 2021.