

Edmund Rice Centre Update

Inspired by the past, embracing the future 

Re-Imagining Emmanuel

Uniting our College as a single-campus school

Emmanuel College is embarking on an exciting journey in consolidating its operations onto a single campus, which includes developing new state of the art facilities.

The Edmund Rice Centre is a $16 million dollar contemporary learning precinct for Year 9 students.

This decision follows an extensive review of the College Masterplan and a feasibility study to identify the greatest long-term benefit and the most positive impact upon student learning and safety at the College.

The precinct will have the capacity for up to 250 students, positioned at the rear of the McAuley Campus adjacent to the Mercy Place aged care facility.

Construction commenced in the second half of 2023 and will take 18 months to complete, ready to occupy from the start of 2025.

The consolidation of facilities on one site enables the College to deliver an exciting, first-class learning experience that best meets the future needs of all students throughout their secondary school journey.

Together we grow

"Lets continue their legacy and support the next step in our growth."

"For many years, those involved in the education of students in the middle years, and in particular Year 9, have recognised the unique changes and opportunities this important year can bring for students.

At Year 9, students are growing as more complex thinkers and are able to apply more logistical reasoning to authentic learning situations and social issues. As educators, we believe in providing opportunities and encouraging the skills to foster an increasing level of self-awareness in a time of significant social and emotional change.

As a result, the 9@RICE program was developed by college staff using their expertise and experience to design a program specifically for our students and invest in young people and their futures."

Peter Morgan, Emmanuel College Principal.

"As we come together as a school community on the one site I am reminded that this college was built on a history of giving through the generosity and commitment of the nuns and brothers, the passion of the parents and grandparents through donations, giving of time and ideas to support the college to educate children in the best environment possible. Let’s continue their legacy and support the next step in our college's growth."

Glenys Phillpot, Chair Emmanuel College Foundation

ERC Thermometer - $1,140,077

Envisioning the Edmund Rice Centre

A year of discovery & change 

Teachers have long recognised Year 9 as a critical year for students and their distinct learning needs. Entirely traditional ways of teaching do not always successfully engage Year 9 students.

The need for a separate space to house Year 9 students and help them make the most of an innovative 9@RICE learning program specific to a vital phase of their educational development is crucial.

According to the Department of Education & Training paper "Understanding Year 9 Students: A theoretical perspective" (Cole et al, 2006), it is acknowledged that Year 9 students are less likely to be engaged by school activities. Motivation and engagement are heavily influenced by the tasks, context and classroom environment, all of which significantly impact learning outcomes. So improved facilities, particularly those designed to create conducive learning environments, have been found to enhance academic achievement.

The curriculum should be challenging, integrative and exploratory, giving students control and choice over their learning. As students approach Year 9, they undergo significant physical, social, emotional, and intellectual changes associated with the transition from childhood to adulthood.

It is also acknowledged that Year 9 students become more complex thinkers, applying logical reasoning and organising their thoughts in more complex ways, and gain independence while developing more supportive relationships with their peers.

Emmanuel College wanted to cater to this need, and has been planning a separate Year 9 program and campus as part of its masterplan for 10 years. It is envisaged a separate Year 9 program would also help students remain engaged in their learning and gain new skills that could be transferred into their senior years.

Glen Martin, Director of 9@RICE

"Students are energised to achieve when given the opportunity to choose work tasks"

Director of 9@RICE Mr Glen Martin believes the program offers opportunities for students to be challenged to experience different classroom settings, allowing more choices in their learning.

“Students work collaboratively and individually to investigate and respond to a complex question, problem or challenge with a real-world connection. The program actively incorporates the development of empathy and a sense of service to members of local, national and global communities."

Glen said, "The design of the building has been planned around the program and the staff and student needs. It will be exciting to see the space in operation. The students are very fortunate that they will have such an awesome building to learn in.”

“That’s been a hallmark of our experience, having been past students and then coming back as parents, is the continual upgrade in facilities”

- Boyd Family

The History of Giving at Emmanuel College

Narrated by Year 8 Student Eve Ryan

I like Emmanuel College as we have so many amazing teachers as well as different opportunities and subjects
Year 10 Student Mia Hynes

A Christmas Charity Passion Project

In 2021 I completed the 9@RICE program, which was a great experience. The different subjects and ways of learning were really interesting, and we were also put outside of our comfort zone. I especially enjoyed the passion project at the end of the year.

I decided my passion project would be to create a charity.

A cause that matters to me, an opportunity for the students

"My life, possibly like a lot of yourselves, has been interwoven with Emmanuel College. My work, my children, my friends, the community, all these aspects that are important to me have been supported through Emmanuel College."

"So if you’re looking for a way to give back,
to make a real difference in the lives of
young people, consider donating to help
build the Edmund Rice Centre."

- Brian Brown, Chair of the Edmund Rice Centre Appeal Committee


There are many ways to make a gift to Emmanuel College's Edmund Rice Centre Appeal. Gifts can be one-off or make a pledge for an agreed number of payments.


Go to the Emmanuel College Foundation donation page here. 

By Mail

Download the following donation pledge form here 

By phone or in person 

Or simply get in touch to discuss options. Contact Emmanuel College Warrnambool Foundation Executive Officer, Alison Byrne on 

Telephone: +61 488 254 007.

Email: [email protected]

Through Corporate Giving Program 

At Emmanuel College, we are committed to building long-term mutually beneficial partnerships. The opportunities for involvement are diverse and can be tailored to meet your objectives.